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Improved Decoding Algorithms for Code-based Cryptography

发布日期:2023-07-05    作者:院科研办     来源:永利yl6776     点击:

报告名称:Improved Decoding Algorithms for Code-based Cryptography





专家简介:Chunlei Li (Senior Member, IEEE, Memer of IACR) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Bergen, Norway, in 2014. He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Stavanger, Norway, from 2015 to 2017, and a Researcher at the University of Bergen from 2017 to 2018. Since 2018, he has been an Associate Professor with the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.His research interests include sequence design, coding theory, cryptography and blockchain. He was the Program Co-Chair of the workshops Mathematical Methods for Cryptography in 2017 and Sequences and Their Applications (SETA) in 2020. He served as a Program Committee Member for several workshops, including WAIFI18, SETA18, BFA20/21/22/23, IWSDA19/22, WCC22, ITW2023.

报告摘要:Code-based cryptography is one main topic in post-quantum cryptography. Cryptosystems based on the rank syndrome decoding problem have an advantage of shorter key sizes. With a weak structure and efficient decoding algorithm, low rank parity-check (LRPC) codes have been used in many cryptographic schemes, such as ROLLO, RankSign, RQC etc. The decoding of LRPC codes are of paramount importance for the performance of cryptographic schemes using LRPC codes. In this talk, I will review the proposed decoding of LRPC codes and introduce our recent decoding algorithms for them.

上一条:Some Research Topics in Symmetric Cryptography